- Each summer Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) in Richland, Washington host a number of college students who participate in the Student Undergraduate Laboratory Internship (SULI) program, sponsored by the Department of Energy (DOE). The SULI program encourages undergraduate students to pursue science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) careers by providing research experiences under the guidance of laboratory staff scientists or engineers on projects supporting the DOE mission. At PNNL our core capabilities are chemical and molecular sciences; chemical engineering; biological systems science; climate change science; environmental subsurface science; applied materials science and engineering; applied nuclear science and technology; advanced computer science, visualization, and data; systems engineering and integration; and large-scale user facilities/advanced instrumentation. The Marine Sciences Laboratory, at PNNL’s Sequim Marine Research Operations on Washington State’s Olympic Peninsula, is DOE’s only marine research laboratory. There, scientists develop innovations to address ocean-driven energy, marine resource impacts, and coastal security threats.
Applications are now open for the 2017 Summer and we would like to encourage as many students to apply to work at PNNL. The deadline is January 13, 2017. The following link provides students with information on how to apply:http://science.energy.gov/wdts/suli/how-to-apply/.
- Applications are now open for the 2017 Summer Term of the Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships (SULI) Program. Applications are due January 13, 2017 at 5:00 PM ET. Click here
to apply.The Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internship (SULI) program encourages undergraduate students to pursue science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) careers by providing research experiences at the Department of Energy (DOE) laboratories. Selected students participate as interns appointed at one of 17 participating DOE laboratories/facilities. They perform research, under the guidance of laboratory staff scientists or engineers, on projects supporting the DOE mission.The SULI program is sponsored and managed by the DOE Office of Science’s, Office of Workforce Development for Teachers and Scientists (WDTS) in collaboration with the DOE laboratories/facilities.Applications for the SULI program are solicited annually for three separate internship terms. Internship appointments are 10 weeks in duration for the Summer Term (May through August) or 16 weeks in duration for the Fall (August through December) and Spring (January through May) Terms. Each DOE laboratory/facility offers different research opportunities; not all DOE laboratories/facilities offer internships during the Fall and Spring Terms.
- Community Engagement in Science Through Art (CESTA; May 30-June 23, 2017 is a 1-month summer program that is run as a collaboration between Jessica Hoover (WVU, Chemistry), Jason Lee (WVU College of Creative Arts, Sculpture) and Todd Hamrick (WVU Statler College, Engineering and Robotics). The program accepts six students (2 chemists, 2 engineers, 2 artists) who work collaboratively for 1 month to design and construct an interactive science-art installation that will engage the local community in chemistry. Each student participates in all stages of the project development (brainstorming, designing, construction, installation, unveiling, etc) and receives a stipend for the month. Each summer the program accepts applications from students with backgrounds in chemistry, engineering, and sculpture. Both undergraduate and graduate students are eligible to apply. More information on the program and the online application can be found at the CESTA website at http://www.cestaprogram.com/. Check back for 2017 application information.